209 Phillip St. |
Prince Edward Island Tourism Region : North Cape Coastal Drive
Description From Owner:
- Village incorporated 1952 in Lot 1. P.O. from c1841.
- Tignish River: Flows E into Gulf of St. Law rence, Lot 1. Said to be from Micmac Mtagunich, 'paddle', because an Indian had broken a paddle there and went adrift. Such naming is not characteristic of Amerindians.
- W. F. Ganong suggests in notes in the NB Museum that it may be Tedeneche, 'straight across', in reference to its straight entrance.
- Clark 1902 has M'tagunite, 'tacking place'. Pacifique 1934 has Mtagenetig, 'trail'. Tignish Run, Tignish Shore and Tignish Harbour are adjacent features.
Address of this page: http://pei.ruralroutes.com/Tignish