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Your Host(s) : Municipality

Wellington, PEI (Nearby: Abram-Village, Miscouche, Tyne Valley, Central Prince, Linkletter)

8938 Rte 11
Wellington, Prince Edward Island
C0B 2E0

Prince Edward Island Tourism Region : North Cape Coastal Drive

Description From Owner:
  • Named for Abraham Arsenault, first settler in Lot 15, who may have come from Colonel Compton's lands in Lots 17 and 19 following a dispute. Noted as early as 1829 as Abraham's Village, Douglas 1925 Abram Village.

Address of this page: http://pei.ruralroutes.com/21531.html

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Abram-Village, Phone : (902) 854-2255

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Visitors to this page: 332     Emails sent through this page: 1     This record last updated: December 27, 2022
