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Hunter River, PEI (Nearby: Darlington, North Wiltshire, Kingston, Hampshire, North Rustico)

669 Route 25
Hunter River, Prince Edward Island
C0A 1P0

Prince Edward Island Tourism Region : Green Gables Shore

Description From Owner:
  • 6 mi NE of Charlottetown in Lot 34. First called Little York with first reference
  • to York in 1879, although Little York continued to be used and is still the P.O. M'Gregor 1832 notes Little York. P.O. Little York from 1872. Settled from Yorkshire, England.

Address of this page: http://pei.ruralroutes.com/YorkPEI

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  • Dr. Raymond A. Vessey

  • Dr. Vessey's wife Evelyn also earned the title "Mrs. Top Potato."

    Raymond Vessey (1916-97) was born in York and received his first award for growing potatoes at the Maritime Winter Fair at Amherst in 1958.

    Two years later he won the Grand Championship in Tablestock Potatoes at Toronto's Royal Agricultural Winter Fair.

    In 1974 he won the crown of Potato Seed King and in 1976 became the unprecedented winner of all four top place championships at the Winter Fair. No other potato grower anywhere in the world had ever accomplished this feat.

    At the time, experts predicted "this feat will probably never be beaten or matched again." Good thing they didn't bet a lot of money on that; the next year the Vesseys won those awards again.

    In 1980 the Vesseys were invested with the Order of Canada.

    With permission from 'Prince Edward Island Place Names' David E. Scott 2011

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