Hunter River

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Hunter River, PEI (Nearby: Darlington, North Wiltshire, Kingston, Hampshire, North Rustico)

PO Box 154
Hunter River, Prince Edward Island
C0A 1N0

Prince Edward Island Tourism Region : Green Gables Shore

Description From Owner:
  • Flows NE into Rustico Bay, Lots 23 and 24. Named by Samuel Holland 1765 for Thomas Orby Hunter, Lord of the Admiralty 1761.
  • A local tradition that the river is so named because Fred Hunter perished near it is incorrect because his death occurred about 50 years after Holland's survey.
  • Settlers from Glasgow c1820 called it Clyde River, and this is often found in later references, such as Meacham 1880, p. 60. It has also been called New Glasgow River.

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