Clyde River

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Clyde River, PEI (Nearby: Cornwall, West River, Hampshire, Warren Grove, Kingston)

718 Clyde River Road
Clyde River, Prince Edward Island
C0A 1H3

Prince Edward Island Tourism Region : Red Sands Shore

Description From Owner:
  • 6 mi W of Charlottetown in Lot 31. School district c1864. P.O. 1886-1969. Formerly called Dog River Settlement.
  • The Mi'kmaq called it Oonigunsuk, portage place. In 1765 Samuel Holland called it Edward River for Edward Eliot (1727-1804) 1 Baron Eliot. Later it was known as Dock River which became corrupted to Dog River.
  • The name was changed around 1860 to its present form for the Clyde River in Scotland.
  • With permission from 'Prince Edward Island Place Names' David E. Scott 2011

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