
Your Host(s) : Canada Post

Elmira, Prince Edward Island
C0A 2B0

Prince Edward Island Tourism Region : Points East Coastal Drive

Description From Owner:
  • 8 mi E of Souris in Lot 47. Named by James Macdonald, agent for the proprictor, Robert Bruce Stewart, for the Macdonald estate of Kingsburgh on Isle of Skye. School district 1855 Kingsburgh, later Kingsborough. PO 1882-1913. Formerly known as West River.

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The name describes the shape of Basin Head Harbour, home of Basin Head Fisheries Museum, one of seven of PEI's Museum and Heritage sites. The museum overlooks Northumberland Strait and the white 'Singing Sands' beach. The harbour is shown on a 1760 map as havre de l'Escoussier. At Basin Head 2 km E of Red Point Provincial Park there are lifeguards on duty at a lovely, white sand beach from early June to mid-Sept. There are changing facilities, washrooms, a gazebo and picnic facilities, canteen, ice cream stand and gift shop.

  • Basin Head Fisheries Museum

  • Singing Sands

  • Walking along the white sands here creates an interesting sound; some say singing, others squeaking.

    Squeaking or whistling sand is found where quartz sand is well very rounded and highly spherical.

    With permission from 'Prince Edward Island Place Names' David E. Scott 2011

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