Souris River

Your Host(s) : Canada Post

Souris, PEI (Nearby: Souris West, Eastern Kings, Annandale-Little Pond-Howe Bay, Central Kings, St. Peters Bay)

Souris, Prince Edward Island
C0A 2B0

Prince Edward Island Tourism Region : Points East Coastal Drive

Description From Owner:
  • Flows SE into Colville Bay, Lot 44.
  • Named for various plagues of mice in the 1700s. Marsden 1816 reports: 'It is a singular circumstance, that every few years, the mice so completely overrun [Prince Edward Island],
  • that they cut off every thing in the shape of food that comes within their reach; and though the people surround the fields and provision with trenches filled with water, they pass these in such vast numbers,
  • they make a bridge of their drowned companions, and cross by myriads'. Bellin 1744 has havre a la Souris for Colville Bay.
  • Holland 1765 Colville River By the French Riviere Souris; Meacham 1880 also shows Souris Cove at the river's mouth, and Souris Harbour at the town.
  • An alternative origin could be Havre à l'Echouerie, which would aptly describe the barred entrance to Souris River. De la Roque refers to havre à la Souris and to havre de l'Echourie, which appears to be South Lake.
  • Possibly this name resulted in the mistake name, Havre à la Souris, which became fixed as the result of the numerous plagues.

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