
Your Host(s) : Canada Post

Montague, Prince Edward Island
C0A 1R0

Prince Edward Island Tourism Region : Points East Coastal Drive

Description From Owner:
  • Town incorporated 1917. P.O. Montague Bridge c1854-1907; P.O. Montague from 1907. Montague Cross: P.O. 1867-1903 at Iona, Lots 57 and 59.
  • Montague River: Flows E into Georgetown Harbour and Cardigan Bay.
  • Named by Samuel Holland 1765 for George Brudenell (1712-1790) 4th Earl of Cardigan, created Duke of Montagu 1766; in 1730 he had married the daughter of John, Duke of Montagu.
  • The name may also have been given in honour of Montague Wilmot, Governor of NS (1763-1766), which then included PEI.
  • In Micmac Mentegen, which Pacifique 1934 suggests is an adaptation of the English.
  • The real Micmac name he believes must be Oaipogtog, possibly meaning 'grassy woods'. Plan 1745 R. St. Jean.

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  • Garden of the Gulf Museum

  • The Garden of the Gulf Museum in Montague is home to many treasures. The building is one of the most impressive buildings on PEI, a brick and sandstone Post Office and Customs House completed in 1888.

    In 1884, the federal government realized a more formal building was needed in Montague. Ottawa’s Dominion architect, Thomas Fuller (1823-1898) designed this truly elegant building. During his tenure as chief architect, Fuller saw 74 new post offices constructed across Canada. Montague, Summerside and Charlottetown had new post offices built in the 1880s.
    Charlottetown architects William Critchlow Harris and David Stirling were the overseers for construction and L.A. Wilmot of New Brunswick was the contractor. The first floor housed the Post Office, the second floor had the Customs House, and the third floor was an apartment for the caretaker.

    The land was acquired from the estate of Martin Lambert and sandstone was quarried from the banks of the Montague River for the foundation and trim work. Bricks were fired in Montague by Robert Stewart out of Island clay.


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