551 MAIN ST |
Prince Edward Island Tourism Region : Points East Coastal Drive
Description From Owner:
- Town incorporated 1917. P.O. Montague Bridge c1854-1907; P.O. Montague from 1907. Montague Cross: P.O. 1867-1903 at Iona, Lots 57 and 59.
- Montague River: Flows E into Georgetown Harbour and Cardigan Bay.
- Named by Samuel Holland 1765 for George Brudenell (1712-1790) 4th Earl of Cardigan, created Duke of Montagu 1766; in 1730 he had married the daughter of John, Duke of Montagu.
- The name may also have been given in honour of Montague Wilmot, Governor of NS (1763-1766), which then included PEI.
- In Micmac Mentegen, which Pacifique 1934 suggests is an adaptation of the English.
- The real Micmac name he believes must be Oaipogtog, possibly meaning 'grassy woods'. Plan 1745 R. St. Jean.
Address of this page: http://pei.ruralroutes.com/Montague