7710 ST. PETER'S RD RTE 2 |
Prince Edward Island Tourism Region : Points East Coastal Drive
Description From Owner:
- 3 mi E of Morell in Lot 40. P.O. Marie Bridge 1867-1914.
- The name is from the river which flows into nearby St. Peters Bay off the Gulf of St. Lawrence at Marie Provincial Park.
- One version of the name source is that Marie Grandcourt, said to be a witch, was burned at the stake at Rocky Point adjacent to what is now Port Amherst National Historic Site.
- More likely is that it was named for Marie Joseph LaGarenne, widow of Jean François Morel, a prominent land owner here around 1750. It has briefly been called Moree River, Moirie River and Halton River.
- With permission from 'Prince Edward Island Place Names' David E. Scott 2011
Address of this page: http://pei.ruralroutes.com/Marie