Prince Edward Island Tourism Region : Points East Coastal Drive
Description From Owner:
- 14 mi SE of Charlottetown in Lots 57 and 58. P.O. 1870-1913. In French period also called Grande-Sanction.
- Extends into Northumberland Strait. Derived from French pointe prime, 'first point' south on the compass.
- Franquet 1751 Pte du Sud ou de prime; Holland 1765 Point Prim; Des Barres 1779 Point Prior. In Micmac Wejowitk, 'beside the flowing current'.
- For a time in the late 1700s it was called Point Prior. The Mi'kmaq called it Wejowitk, 'beside the flowing current.
- With permission from 'Prince Edward Island Place Names' David E. Scott 2011
Address of this page: http://pei.ruralroutes.com/PointPrim