Point Prim

Your Host(s) : Canada Post

Belfast, PEI (Nearby: Hazelbrook, Alexandra, Three Rivers PEI, Stratford, Murray River)

Belfast, Prince Edward Island
C0A 1A0

Prince Edward Island Tourism Region : Points East Coastal Drive

Description From Owner:
  • 14 mi SE of Charlottetown in Lots 57 and 58. P.O. 1870-1913. In French period also called Grande-Sanction.
  • Extends into Northumberland Strait. Derived from French pointe prime, 'first point' south on the compass.
  • Franquet 1751 Pte du Sud ou de prime; Holland 1765 Point Prim; Des Barres 1779 Point Prior. In Micmac Wejowitk, 'beside the flowing current'.
  • For a time in the late 1700s it was called Point Prior. The Mi'kmaq called it Wejowitk, 'beside the flowing current.
  • With permission from 'Prince Edward Island Place Names' David E. Scott 2011

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  • The Island's Oldest Lighthouse

  • The Point Prim Lighthouse which marks the entrance to Hillsborough Bay at the outer approaches to Charlottetown Harbour was built in 1845 and is PEI's oldest lighthouse.

    It's also one of very few round lighthouses built of brick although there are a number of round lighthouses elsewhere in Canada, particularly in Quebec.

    Point Prim lighthouse gracefully tapers from a base diameter of 7 metres (23 feet) to 3.4 metres (11 feet) at the top, 18.2 metres (60 feet) above ground level. It was designed by Isaac Smith who also designed the provincial legislature. It was automated in 1969.

    There are historic displays, guided tours and a picnic area.

    With permission from 'Prince Edward Island Place Names' David E. Scott 2011

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