Cross River

Your Host(s) : Canada Post

Richmond, Prince Edward Island
C0B 1Y0

Prince Edward Island Tourism Region : North Cape Coastal Drive

Description From Owner:
  • Flows N into Gulf of St. Lawrence, Lot 45. Possibly named because it was an Indian portage route from Souris River to the gulf.
  • Former school district at MacDougall, 5 mi S of Tyne Valley. No stream bears this name although Bayfield 1850 and Wright and Cundall 1874 show it on Mill Creek, Meacham 1880 shows it on Shipyard Creek and NTS 11 L/5 1967 has it on Little Trout River.
  • Douglas 1925 has Cross Creek for Mill Creek. The name was probably derived from the school's position across the Grand River.

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