
Your Host(s) : Canada Post

O'Leary, PEI (Nearby: Miminegash, Northport, Alberton, St. Louis, Greenmount-Montrose)

A - 487 MAIN ST
O'Leary, Prince Edward Island
C0B 1V0

Prince Edward Island Tourism Region : North Cape Coastal Drive

Description From Owner:
  • 5 mi w of O'Leary in Lot 7. Named by Robert Bruce Stewart, owner of Lot 7, for Robert Grant Haliburton (son of the famous writer) who was Stewart's arbitrator under the Land Purchase Act 1875. Noted in JHA 1879. P.O. 1904-1913.

Address of this page: http://pei.ruralroutes.com/HaliburtonPEI

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