
Your Host(s) : Canada Post

Mount Stewart, PEI (Nearby: Morell, Hazelbrook, York, Alexandra, North Shore)

Mount Stewart, Prince Edward Island
C0A 1T0

Prince Edward Island Tourism Region : Green Gables Shore

Description From Owner:
  • 3 mi W of Mount Stewart in Lot 36. Named by Scottish settlers brought here by Capt. John MacDonald (1742-1810), laird of Glenaladale and Glenfinnan.
  • He mortgaged property in Scotland to buy lands in PEI and re-settle 210 Scots mainly from Uist and the Glenfinnan area. They arrived at Charlottetown in 1772 aboard the Alexander.
  • The Mi'kmaq named this place Sgemagen, 'watching guard.' The settlement here was named Scotchfort, the name suggested by the ruins of a French fort they found nearby.
  • From 1744-52 the place was called Belair for a place near Port Royal, NS, and when a church was built the name changed briefly to St. - Louis-du-Nord-Est.
  • With permission from 'Prince Edward Island Place Names' David E. Scott 2011

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